
Archive for September, 2012

You might expect the Auburn/Clemson football game to create some torn feelings in my heart.

Well, it did not. 

I was firmly “for Auburn” though I chose the path less traveled by not making this an obvious point of contention with students on game day. I wore a neurally orange shirt (with blue earrings and navy shorts, of course). Originally, I thought I would not try to go to the game. But then I found a ticket and decided that there was just no good reason not to go, even if it would mean sitting in the Clemson student section, a potentially awkward if not deadly place to be. 

Well, I survived, and here are some pictures to prove it. ImageEating at Fellini’s Pizza in Decatur, GA before the game.

ImageView from the Clemson student section.

ImageI got to see some dear friends from Auburn! I sat with them for the 2nd half. Good life choice on my part. 

ImageMost of the Clemson group! Notice my hands.

Overall, despite Auburn’s defeat, it was a great day. I loved being with these people!

Oh yeah….and War Eagle!

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